Peak5 kites

Are here in all sizes and in limited quantities. I have 5m, 4m and 2.5m Peak5’s for demo and having flown them on my hydrofoil I can say there are some definite improvements on the legendary Peak4 kites.

We do have a few Peak4 kites in stock too at discount pricing in 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m and 13m sizes.

This single-skin concept combines our passion for usability and security that will make your outdoor kite experience unforgettable. The best light wind handling and backstall resistance let you set off with ease. Be always prepared for emergencies due to its reliable depower and the B-Safe system. After its activation, you can also use the system for self-landing or take a relaxing break at any time.

The pack size allows you to carry several kites in your backpack and react to sudden weather changes. This quick turning, ultra-light kite has an incomparable area of application. Choose it as an incentive to make courageous decisions in life and start your next adventure! For more info go to Flysurfer.


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